O.N.E the Duo


O.N.E The Duo, consisting of Prana Supreme and Tekitha, is a remarkable mother-daughter duo with a unique musical journey that led to the creation of their latest album, “Blood Harmony.” Their story began in 2017 when they relocated to Nashville, fully immersing themselves in the city’s vibrant culture and collaborating with renowned producers and songwriters such as Brent Maher, Shane Stevens, John Bettis, Rebecca Lynn Howard, Elisha Hoffman, Marv Green, and Nash Overstreet.

Breaking new ground, O.N.E The Duo has crafted a distinctive sonic path, seamlessly blending their Hip-Hop roots with the world of Country music. Notably, they hold the distinction of being the first black mother-daughter duo in the history of Country music. The very title of their album, “Blood Harmony,” is a testament to the profound familial bond that unites them.

Prana Supreme, the daughter of RZA from the legendary Wu-Tang Clan, brings her own musical lineage to the table, while Tekitha is celebrated for her role as the featured female vocalist of Wu-Tang. The musical influences from their family run deep, with their home often hosting jam sessions filled with singers, songwriters, musicians, and artists during Prana’s childhood. This environment fueled Prana’s desire to form a musical partnership with her best friend and mother, Tekitha. After persuasive efforts on Prana’s part, they embarked on their joint musical journey, culminating in this pivotal moment—the release of their album. “Blood Harmony” marks a new chapter in the duo’s artistic journey, offering a reflection of their shared spirit, life experiences, and creative vision.

Genre: Country sub: Hip-Hop & R&B

What We Did

Distribution   |   Playlisting   |   Client Management


Our global reach took O.N.E The Duo’s music to new heights as we flawlessly distributed it across our extensive network of over 200 DSPs. This strategic move ensured maximum exposure worldwide, reaching diverse audiences and propelling O.N.E The Duo’s career to the forefront of the music scene.

Client Management

With a commitment to exceptional service, we appointed a dedicated client manager who facilitated weekly status and feedback calls, overseeing marketing strategy, execution, and general operations. Our priority client service ensured swift deliveries to DSPs, enabling O.N.E. the Duo’s music to reach a global audience rapidly and efficiently. This personalized approach contributed significantly to O.N.E. the Duo’s successful journey in the music industry.


  • Strategic Release Plan: Our team crafted a release plan encompassing four singles along with a compelling focus track, each complemented by visually captivating official videos. TikTok campaigns and third-party playlisting by Streaming Promotions strategically amplified their online presence.
  • Multifaceted Marketing Drivers: A dynamic range of marketing drivers contributed to their success, including impactful press coverage, targeted digital advertising, engaging short-form content, and a captivating performance on the Today Show. Additionally, the announcement of an album release tour created further momentum.
  • Prominent DSP Presence: Through meticulous efforts, they maintained a prominent presence in all DSP decks, gaining visibility and preference among listeners. Key accolades, such as CMT’s Next Woman of Country, and their collaboration with other musical acts (Wu-Tang) further enriched their image, alongside showcasing their esteemed songwriting collaborators.


  • Playlist Domination: Garnering massive playlist traction, the album secured an impressive 27 playlist pickups across major streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Trebel, and SoundCloud. These high-profile placements significantly amplified the album’s reach to a diverse audience.
  • Spotlight on Spotify: The album’s exceptional music found its way to prestigious Spotify playlists, including “New Music Friday,” “Wild Country,” “Country Frequency,” and “Country: RISING” (audio and video) on Tidal. These coveted placements elevated O.N.E The Duo’s presence within the country music genre.
  • SoundCloud Impact: A strategic SoundCloud promotion, featuring a Wal*Mart Promoted Track and Audio Commentary, fortified the album’s online presence and facilitated engagement with a broader audience.
  • Apple Music Recognition: The duo’s talent received recognition on Apple Music, where they were interviewed by Rissi Palmer, further cementing their position within the country music community.
  • Sirius XM Success: The album’s momentum continued to soar with exclusive interviews on Sirius XM, including an appearance on Shade45 with SWAY. Additionally, their tracks ‘Feels Good’ were added to ‘The Highway’ and ‘Venus’ playlists, further enhancing their industry standing.
  • Billboard Recognition: The duo’s impact on the country music landscape was acknowledged with a prominent CMT Woman of Country Billboard displayed in the iconic Times Square, providing them with nationwide exposure.
  • Audience Expansion: An impressive growth in monthly Spotify listeners was witnessed, soaring by over 150% from March to July 24th, underscoring the album’s increasing popularity and appeal.
  • Engaging Fan Base: The captivating music drew a dedicated following, leading to a substantial increase of 2,500 new Spotify followers since March, solidifying their position as a rising star duo with a loyal fan base.

Top Playlist Pickups

Playlist Pickups

spotify logo
ONE The Duo Fresh Finds Playlist Pickup

Fresh Finds
“Til You Call My Name”

ONE The Duo Spotify Fresh Finds Country playlist pickup

Fresh Finds Country
“Hearts Like Mine”

ONE The Duo Spotify Fresh Finds Country playlist pickup

Fresh Finds Country
“Til You Called My Name”

ONE The Duo Spotify Fresh Finds Country playlist pickup

Fresh Finds Country
“Feels Good”

ONE The Duo Spotify New Music Friday playlist pickup

New Music Friday
“Til You Called My Name”

ONE The Duo Spotify New Music Friday Canada playlist pickup

New Music Friday Canada
“Til You Called My Name”

ONE The Duo Spotify New Music Friday Country playlist pickup

New Music Friday Country
“Hearts Like Mine”

ONE The Duo Spotify Next From Nashville playlist pickup

Next From Nashville
“Til You Called My Name”

apple music
ONE The Duo Apple Music New In Country playlist pickup

New In Country
“Hearts Like Mine”

ONE The Duo Apple Music The Crossroads playlist pickup

The Crossroads
“Hearts Like Mine”

ONE The Duo Apple Music The Best New Music playlist pickup

The Best New Music

amazon music logo
ONE The Duo Amazon Music Breakthrough Country playlist pickup

Breakthrough Country
“Til You Called My Name”

ONE The Duo Amazon Music For Love & Country playlist pickup

For Love & Country
“Til You Call My Name”

ONE The Duo Amazon Music Breakthrough Country playlist pickup

Breakthrough Country
“Feels Good”

Tidal logo
ONE The Duo Tidal Country Rising playlist pickup

Country: RISING
“Hearts Like Mine”

ONE The Duo Tidal Country Rising Video playlist pickup

Country: RISING (Video)

ONE The Duo Tidal Country Rising Video playlist pickup

Country: RISING (Video)
“Til You Called My Name”