Symphonic | CD Baby | DistroKid | Tunecore | UnitedMasters | |
Annual Fee | $19.99 | $0 (Release Fees) | $22.99 (and Limiting) | $14.99 (and Limiting) | Starts at $19.99 |
Customer Service Response Time | 1 day (by humans) | Days | Days | Days | Days |
Speed of Delivery to DSPs | 3-5 days | 3-5 days | 1-7 days | 5 days+ | 7-10 days |
Fees per Release | Never! | single: $9.95 album: $29 |
$0 | single: $9.99 album: $29.99 (per year/or $0 for unlimited) |
$0 |
Pre-Scheduled Release Dates | Yes, included for free | Yes | No, requires $35.99/year upgrade | Yes, included for free | Yes |
Individual User Roles | Yes | No | No | No | No |
Amazing Analytics (Playlist, TikTok & YouTube Analytics) | Yes | Yes, but limited | No | Yes, but limited | Yes |
Split Payment Fee | $0 | Not offered | Yes / $19.99 a year per each collaborator | Not offered | $0 |
SoundExchange Collection | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
YouTube, Content ID, and all other UGC | $0 + 30% | $0 + 30% | 20% + $4.95 per single, and $14.95 for each release of 2+ songs, per year | $0 + 20% | Content ID for $59.99 per year |
Music Publishing | $100 lifetime fee | $100 | Not available | $75 lifetime fee | Not available |
We distribute to hundreds of different outlets and digital service providers. To check out our list of current partners, click here. We are always adding new distribution partners to our network.
Through Starter you will have a non-exclusive deal where you are still allowed to work with other distributors in addition to us. You own your music, keep your rights, we’re only the platform that helps you get your music out there and gives you advanced technology to help elevate your career.
Symphonic provides many different services including Video Distribution, YouTube and SoundCloud Monetization, Publishing Administration and Sync Licensing. Signing up is only the beginning!
Symphonic Starter gives you more than DistroKid and other distributors. You receive advanced technology that shows stream performance, TikTok analytics, YouTube videos created using your content, playlist placements, and, we let you split royalties to collaborators for free. Simply put, we give you more features than competitors who will upcharge you. You also get distributed to one of the largest DSP networks in the world allowing you to attract more listeners and earn more money.
Under Starter, clients must utilize one primary artist on all releases under the account. You can have unlimited releases with that primary artist and bring on as many featuring and remixer artists as you’d like.
There are no refunds once you join Starter and if you cancel your account, you will have access for it until the term of one year expires at which point your content will be taken down.
Symphonic issues payments on a monthly basis. You may review our payment schedule. In order to collect payments, you must provide up-to-date payment and tax information. Your balance will remain active on your account until payments are claimed.
Only $19.99 a year to upload unlimited music! No additional fees per release. You also get more than what others are offering, such as the ability to have a custom C and P line, choose the partners to deliver to, TikTok Analytics, free SplitShare of royalties to collaborators and more.
You will keep 100% of royalties from the distribution of your music to Apple, Spotify, Deezer, Pandora and many more. Like most of the industry, there are some percentage fees for User Generated Content revenue collection such as YouTube.
Symphonic will not be able to pitch your material to DSPs under this plan. We do have Marketing services available for fees where you can apply as well as a third-party playlist pitching service called Streaming Promotions that you can take advantage of if approved.
This plan is a DIY (Do It Yourself) plan that allows you to get started on your journey of the music industry and Symphonic. Starter is fee based ($19.99 per year for a primary artist and unlimited releases). Our Partner plan is by application only, including personalized support, as well as marketing to DSPs. We charge a percentage for that level of support and you can have unlimited artists.
All genres are accepted for Symphonic Starter with some exceptions. Electronic music that’s sent to Beatport will need to be approved by them. When it comes to classical music, the program is not beneficial to them because unless the client is playing every instrument it’s not going to work.