Play MPE is the system of choice for radio programmers: from Rock, to College, to Country, to Triple A and more, it services all radio formats. Used by all major labels and thousands of independents worldwide. Expose your material to the world’s largest music community, get reports on songs played and use the data when following up with music programmers.
Each release gets its own individual Play MPE email notification. Programmers receive an email notification to let them know the music is available to them for airplay consideration. The email notification includes the album cover along with metadata such as artist bio, stats, tour dates, and contact info.
Programmers access the music easily through their Play MPE Player on any browser or device. Programmers download in the audio format of their choice and can easily integrate into radio scheduling software such as Selector and MusicMaster. Music promotion is a complex process, and distribution is a key part of it. It has to be easy and smooth. After launch Play MPE provides data to drive the rest of your promotional activity.
Maximize your promotional efforts with detailed data on how recipients engage with your distribution. Know who has and who hasn’t listened to it, before you make the call. Play MPE additionally provides reporting that enables you to see which programmers and stations have streamed, downloaded, or exported your music. Last but not least, Play MPE provides users with the up-to-date data, a vital tool in the life cycle of any release.